Hot Hatha Strength
@ Oxygen Yoga Fort McMurray
Build on your fundamentals in this strong yet balanced class that will push you further than a traditional hatha class. This class will challenge your balance, strength and mobility by holding strength and engagement in the traditional poses of hatha but for a slightly longer period of time. This class is intense but all levels are welcome as modifications and options are always provided.

Hot Power Yoga
@ Oxygen Yoga Fort McMurray
This class is all about exploring your limits and trying new things. Join as we flow through dynamic vinyasas, incorporate some fitness style movements, find some deep stretching and everything in between. You will be challenged mentally and physically but you will also be leaving with a deep sense of accomplishment, joy and a dash of peace.

Build your Base (Yoga Fundamentals)
@ Oxygen Yoga Fort McMurray
Come to class and learn all the things you will need to start out on your yoga journey and then continue on with confidence in your technique and knowledge. This class is a hands on approach to creating a safe and informed practice. We will learn anatomy, the language used in a yoga class, and how to both progress and regress movements so they work for you.